6 Low-Carb Diet Myths

1. Lacking Essential Food Groups

In order to get the most out of a low-carb diet, you will need to remove certain food groups from your diet such as legumes, grains, and even cut down on fruit. These food groups may seem like they are needed in your diet, but they really aren’t essential and you can survive and thrive without them. Low-carb diets are not no-carb diets, so you are able to have carbohydrates in low amounts.

2. Hard To Be Fully Committed

Many believe that removing an entire food group from a diet can be extremely hard to stick to in the long-run. It is understandable that one may feel deprived of foods they enjoyed. Unfortunately, all diets have to restrict something or else what would they be trying to accomplish? A low-carb diet doesn’t ask that you count calories and still aids in weight loss.

3. Saturated Fat

Since you consume a lot more animal proteins and fats on a low-carb diet, like meat and eggs, you are definitely consuming saturated fats and cholesterol. But the new thought is that saturated fats and cholesterol aren’t really that bad for you. It’s a myth that hasn’t yet been proven. There have been studies done and they have shown no correlation between saturated fats and heart-related issues. A low-carb diet actually causes a reduction of saturated fats in blood levels because they become your source of fuel.

4. Long-Term Effects

There is a myth that says that low-carb diets are not safe if you do them continuously. But, this is just not true. There have been studies that lasted 2 years, and there were no side effects. The only thing there was, was positive effects on the person’s health. There is no proof and no reason to believe that a low-carb diet will cause you any future problems.

5. Ketosis Causes Harm

Some medical professionals say that getting to a state of ketosis from eating a low-carb diet is dangerous and can be fatal. There is a confusion between the terms “ketosis” and “ketoacidosis”. They may sound similar but they are very different. Our bodies go into a state of ketosis if we consume less than 50 grams of carbs a day. When our bodies are in a state of ketosis it forces our stored fat cells to be used as energy. Ketoacidosis is something that only happens in uncontrolled type 1 diabetes. It means that the bloodstream has too many glucose and ketone bodies. Ketosis and ketoacidosis, therefore, are not related at all. Ketosis can actually help with brain cancer, type 2 diabetes, and epilepsy.

6. No Proof

Many say that low-carb diets have no proof that they even work but in actuality, many dietitians and doctors have begun to start using these diets in their practices since all the studies and research has come out. Low-carb diets compared to low-fat diets have been shown to be easier and way more effective. They will help you lose weight and possibly help you reverse diseases like diabetes.